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Just Ask

Milk & Honey

    My heart weighs heavy.  My spirit is burdened.  Over the past few months, story after story being shared with me reveals the battle waged against those who love the Lord.  The attackers come for marriages, for children,…

Hold on for the Ride

The Whole Ball of Wax

  The extremes of life tug and strain at me.  Immense joy and great sorrow occupy the same home, my heart.  I am amazed I can even stand up straight—I think I should be whirling like my mind and…

Receiving PEACE

Milk & Honey

  Peace can be kind of elusive this time of year.  Christmas is upon us.  Parties and gatherings fill our calendars.  Shopping, wrapping and shipping squeeze in open moments.  Decorating and baking wait patiently to be done.  Each year…

Quiet the Crowing

Every morning, the rooster beckons the sunrise with a call for all to be reminded, it is a new day.  In reading and reflecting during this Lent season, I am captivated by Peter’s denial of Christ.  Jesus tells Peter,…