Twenty-five years ago last month, a strong and tenderhearted young man and I walked down the aisle in the chapel of a very large church near downtown Phoenix. July in Phoenix is probably less than optimal as…
Several years ago, I wrestled through being at a church I wanted to love, but struggled to be at. My husband was pretty content and happy with it and I was not. I didn’t appreciate his…
The swelter of summer is upon us. I miss the days of old when I spent my summers at the lake near the town in which I grew up. Hours of swimming around, floating on rafts and…
What is it you NEED most today? Peace—to be still and know that God is in control of your life and future? Grace—to be able to let go of all that needs done and do…
Finally, we have arrived. The week of Christmas is upon us. Decorations are hung, the tree is lit and wrapping is in progress. The kitchen smells of sweet spices and savory treats. We do all of this because…
I hear more about joy during the Christmas season than any other time of year. We sing Joy to the World. We talk about the joy that has come in the birth of Christ. We read about…
Peace can be kind of elusive this time of year. Christmas is upon us. Parties and gatherings fill our calendars. Shopping, wrapping and shipping squeeze in open moments. Decorating and baking wait patiently to be done. Each year…
There is joy in the midst of the tears and struggles. Sometimes joy just appears and sometimes we must cultivate our own. Yesterday, I watched young mothers go from tears to a room filled with such laughter and fun…