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Making Room

The Whole Ball of Wax

    Over the past few weeks, temperatures continue to make me think summer is still here, but I know that fall arrived because of my schedule.  For many, the start of school marks new beginnings.  Just like the…

Freedom is a Gift!

The Whole Ball of Wax

  Freedom is a gift easily taken for granted.  We come and go, doing what we need and want, without a thought…running to the store for a gallon of milk, worshipping at church, boating at the lake or traveling…

The End

The Whole Ball of Wax

    The End…endings come around regularly.  Endings surround us in many forms; floating across the big screen, on the final page of a novel, to the obituary section of the newspaper, another school year complete, struggles or trials,…

Be Still

The Whole Ball of Wax

  There are two times a year I have kindly labeled The Hemorrhages.  They revolve around the school year.  One comes in August and the other in May, but are called this for very different reasons.  Each August, school…

Called to a Fruitful Life

Milk & Honey

    Some days I wonder what kind of fruit am I cultivating?  I long to use tender words, respond peacefully and act kindly to show my love.  However, the reality seems more like short, snippy words, flared responses…


The Whole Ball of Wax

Airplane tickets, rental car and a hotel, all to surprise a niece who needed some love.  That’s family.  Sixteen people surrounding a table filled with taco fixings again on a Saturday night.  That’s family.  Huddled around a medical bed…

In the meantime…

Cradle to College & Beyond

In the meantime…the space between what was happening and that which is coming next. At times, it is easy to fill the space of the in between. This space allows for freedom to enjoy what we haven’t had time…