Sometimes all we need is a word of encouragement.
I am sure you can agree: life is full of ups and downs. Any given day can be a smackdown.
Words have power. Power: sway, influence, or ability to produce an effect. Often we find ourselves talking about this or that with no real aim or purpose. But what would happen if we were more intentional with what we say? A bit of planning and forethought could change the direction of someone’s day or life.
Proverbs states that a timely word is good. Speaking a word of compliment or encouragement can come from an internal prompting. We may not know why it came to our attention or feel it may be awkward, but honoring the prompting can be a “timely word.” Standing in line behind a young woman, her strikingly beautiful hair caught my attention. I started to focus back on my purpose there, but felt a nudge—why wouldn’t you tell her? I found a window to bring this to voice. She tried to play it down as not all natural, but I tried to affirm in her it didn’t matter. It was still stunning. I left hoping she felt noticed, admired, and with a bit more glow emanating from her that day. I cannot know where she was prior to complementing her, but my words may have been just what she needed.
I know my words have power. All too often I am caught not using them for good. I work hard to encourage, build up and love on those close to me. Yet, God puts others in my path that need this kindness and positive power possibly more than those with me day in and day out. I need to pause and prepare for these encounters, like in checkout lines. I am guilty of being too self-consumed with my tasks and not acknowledging them, or too easily annoyed by their slowness, rudeness or ineptness. Rather than being light and love in those few moments, I am just another sinful being offering no hope. I am aware and it is a choice whether I change or not.
Our nature is to discredit compliments and words of sweet encouragement. We feel the need to belittle and render them void. When we offer up a loving word to another, we must stand firm and battle for the truth, not a lesser answer. The power behind our words is truth. We need our compliments and encouragement to be rooted in truth so the power behind them can have its full work done. Anything less is too easily rooted out and undermines what should have been empowering. Genuineness and sincerity are a must.
A challenge—chose a day (or part of a day) to be intentional about speaking words of encouragement over each person you encounter. Pray and look diligently for the opening to be light and love for them that day. We may never know the impact we have, but through our intentional words, good things will happen.
1 Comment
August 11, 2016 at 7:56 amThe Lord has been giving me this lately:
The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.
So much easier said than done. Thank you for the reminder!