FREE Wisdom Here

Milk & Honey


Why do we find it so difficult, at times, to know how to do the right thing or even what the right thing is?  We wrestle and worry about the choice before us, as if we don’t have a clue where to begin.  Whether I am watching one of my children, a friend or another family member, I want to shout and tell them, “I know where to get wisdom for FREE!”  I really do!


In James, chapter one, we find out exactly how to get some FREE wisdom.  “If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him (v. 5 NIV).”  Did you see that?  FREE wisdom offered right there.  I love a few things about this FREE wisdom.


First, all someone needs is to acknowledge a lack of wisdom.  No matter the situation or problem, once you realize you don’t know and are stuck, you can stop fretting and just give voice to where you are, “I don’t know what to do.”  What freedom to end the struggle!


Then, the next step is also simple.  Take a moment and ask God for wisdom in this specific area.  He is available 24/7 with no holds, dropped calls or busy signals.  Psalm 116 states, “I love the LORD, for he heard my voice…he turned his ear to me (v.1-2).”  He hears and turns to us!  But that is not all.


He gives generously with a bonus of not finding fault.  How do you like that?  When we lack, He gives.  Generously means a readiness to give more than enough.  Here, He is offering more than enough wisdom to help us out of our predicament.  If that weren’t enough, He withholds judgment or finding fault with us and how we got to this place.  We couldn’t ask for a better offer.  FREE wisdom—and a lack of wisdom is not held against us!


We need to remember this readily when we find ourselves wrestling and struggling to decide what is best in any situation.  If we will just pause, call on Him and ask for the wisdom needed at that moment, he states, “It will be given.”  I love the assurance in this.  I don’t have to wonder, as there are no contingencies listed.  If we are alike, we need to grab hold of this and actively use it—OFTEN.


A beautiful extra in all of this is the wisdom we receive is God’s wisdom.  He freely gives us His best and perfect advice.  This might not be easy for us to apply or exercise, but it will always be for our benefit.  He loves us that much!  So, give it a whirl.


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