Rest, oh where do we find thee?

Milk & Honey, The Whole Ball of Wax

To be our best, to flourish, we need rest.  But, where do we find the time to embrace rest?  Just like me, titles abound in your life.  Tags such as wife, mother, sister and friend fill our days and nights.  But then what about daughter, aunt, sister-in-law and co-worker…where do they fit in?  Then you have roles like cook, accountant, nurse, maid, and workout girl that consume other moments.  Further still, we desire to live as a follower of Jesus, mentor, baker, and photographer but they easily get shoved to the back seat.  With all these titles and roles come real responsibilities.  The lists are endless!  So rest, where does it fit?  Where do we find the time?

First, we must realize rest is given, not found.  Jesus wants to give it to us.  “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28 NIV)  To receive rest, we must come to Jesus.  I can look dozens of places for rest and never find the deep, satisfying rest that is offered to me by Jesus.  He is ready to give us what we are craving most, but we must be open to receive it.

Receiving this rest can feel a bit elusive.  However, I have discovered we each experience this rest in ways that fit us and our personal style.  For me, when I seek God first and put Him before everything else in my day, I am always more rested, peaceful and have space in my life that had not been visible before; small windows of rest to refresh me throughout my day.  I also understand now that routine can offer rest.  By having a routine…this is what’s next…my mind is freed up from trying to always solve and conquer the next thing.  Rest enters as my mind calms and the flow of activity unfolds before me.  Finally, recreation (recreating you) refills and recharges me; allowing me to be who I was created to be.  Sometimes it is active, sometimes it is creative, and sometimes it is just fun.  These are ways I have found rest in the midst of my daily life that can seem anything but restful.

Lastly, we must carve out rest in our schedules.  In Hebrews 4:1 in states, “Therefore, since the promise of entering his rest still stands, let us be careful that none of you be found to have fallen short of it.”  God set an example for us in that He rested on the seventh day following creation.  He also commanded His chosen people to remember and keep the Sabbath (day of rest) holy.  Even Jesus carved out time to go to a quiet place, like the garden or up into the hills, to withdraw from all whom He served to create space for rest.  We, too, must set aside time to slow ourselves and soak in all that is good, peaceful and refreshing.  For some, it may be Sunday.  For others, it may be another day during the week that affords you stillness.  Just as we schedule everything else in our lives, we must choose to schedule rest as well.

Many titles, tags and roles fill our lives with responsibilities.  Because of these responsibilities, we need to come, and accept the rest that Jesus is giving.  And lean into it!  Find what simple things in your life provide rest in the midst of your daily activities.  Then do not forget to carve out the rest God has instructed from the beginning of time.  This is the start of something beautiful, deep and needed.  Do not miss out on what He has for you…just because you have not accepted the rest He offers you.


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